How to Upskill Your Way to New and Better Career Opportunities


The world of work sure is different than it used to be. There was once a time when all you needed was a college degree and years of just working a job to move up, make more money, and eventually reach your career goals.

But the new world of work is different. Everybody has a degree of some kind, so that isn’t unique. And nobody stays at the same job for their entire career. People are changing jobs and taking advantage of new opportunities at a frantic pace. So if you want to stand out and be valuable in today’s workplace, you will have to constantly be looking at ways to be better and take on new skills that make you useful in ways others can’t compete with. You are going to have to upskill.

What is Upskilling?

In its most basic definition, Upskilling is just the process of individuals learning new skills. Technology has caused a significant shift in the workplace. And technology has created new possibilities that can be fully realized only by a modernized workforce. That means the workforce must learn new skills and competencies required for the new and changing jobs that will inevitably exist. Upskilling cuts across all industries. It is critical to individuals and employers alike.

Why has upskilling suddenly become so important? The digital transformation is why. The digital economy, enabled by astonishing technological advances, is reimagining how goods and services are bought and sold. This sea-change means that many traditional jobs are morphing into something different or disappearing altogether. Upskilling is the process of preparing the workforce to fill these new positions.


Why Should You Upskill?

If you want to be successful in the future workforce, you will have to show potential employers that you can get things done. You will have to demonstrate competencies that can be quantified by the real-world results or revenue and profits. Just having a degree won’t cut it anymore. Can you deliver and produce valuable work that will make the company money? That will be the center of the next wave of job creation and career growth.


How to Upskill

So you now know what upskilling is and why it is essential. How do you go about upskilling in the right way to maximize your career potential?

1.   Identity Priority Areas and Skills 

Take a look around your current place of employment. Or, if you are looking to make a career change, look at the company or industry that interests you. What direction is the organization going in? What are the goals of the company moving forward, and where are they looking to grow? Is a company moving toward outsourcing more tech functions to 3rd parties? If so, will there be a great need for more project managers? Want to change careers and work in advertising? Talk to people and see what new developments are happening in the ad industry. Where do your current skills overlap, and how can you add those skills with functions that advertising industry execs will need moving forward?


2.   Make Upskilling a part of your current Performance and Development Plans at work.

Take advantage of the desire for personal and professional development at your current place of employment. In your meetings with higher-ups, let them know your desire to take on more responsibility and learn new skills to help the company. Many employers will be glad to pay for continuing education courses to get you the needed skills. Take advantage of this and build your skills portfolio.


3.   Enroll in Courses and Skill Training Programs

Once you have identified the skills and knowledge you need, find courses that can help you get certified in your new skills areas. Online platforms like Udemy or Coursera are good places to find online courses that can get you certified in new skills. Also, continuing education classes offered by local colleges and universities are good places to look for classes.


4.  Don’t forget about Mentors. 

Seek out mentors and experts in the new fields and skills areas of interest. There will always be people who are doing or have done what you are looking to do. Pick their brains and ask lots of questions. Mentors will help you fill in the gaps on a lot of the things you are learning in your coursework and give you the inside scoop on what to focus on and how you can also leverage new opportunities that your new skills will bring your way.


5.  Seek out Stretch Assignments

Lastly, as you develop new skills at work, don’t be afraid to seek out stretch assignments that might be outside of your current job description. You have these new skills, now is the time to put them to work and test them out in real, live-work environments. Doing this is where you will experience your new skill area to gain the confidence and expertise needed to leverage into a unique or better career opportunity.

Learning is a never-ending process essential to career growth and success. Upskilling is needed to ensure you stay relevant in today’s new work environment. Take a moment to analyze what you want from your career moving forward and put a plan to get the new skills you need today.

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